Neither Up Nor Down
Last week I went looking for Frankie and discovered him, not on a sofa or near a radiator, but instead . . .
“You weren’t hoping to go by, were you?” Frankie asks. “You’re interrupting important curatorial work.”
The stairs! A frustrating place for a cat to be, perhaps—especially for those of us who know about tripping and falling (cats seem oblivious to such things). But Frankie seems to enjoy the Harrison House stairwell often. I think, in part, he enjoys the ability to look through the railings and down on rest of us!
At one time, Frankie could have had his choice of stairwells. Harrison House originally had a back staircase, as have many historic homes! Its purpose would vary throughout the years. When family members were in poor health, it allowed food from the kitchen to be taken directly up to their rooms. At other times it could simply have been a convenience for the residents, an area of the house that didn’t have to be as polished and impressive for guests. Harrison House has seen many updates and shifts in use throughout the years!
Stay tuned next week for more Museum Cat adventures . . .