A Place to Rest
Life as a Museum Cat can be very tiring . . .
Frankie lounges on the sofa in the Harrison House’s entry hall.
Maybe he’s contemplating potential repairs to the couch he’s chosen? As you can see, the upholstery could use a little loving care in a few places, especially around the edges of the cushion.
Repairs notwithstanding, this couch is special—and not only because it provides a good view of the main hall. It’s one of the objects in the collection that comes from the family who once lived in the Williams-Harrison House. Objects like this, that were placed in the house by the family, are significant in a curator’s point of view. While historical, period-appropriate furnishings make good museum pieces, historical furnishings that truly belonged in the house make even better pieces. They add to the story of the people who lived here. And given how often historical houses are sold, redecorated, or re-purposed, it can be harder to hold on to these original pieces than you’d think!
Stay tuned for more adventures in Harrison House next week.